- Don't forget tomorrow's pot luck is Father's Day themed! I'm very excited. Having lived with my dad for so much of my young adult life - I grew very accustomed to and fond of the food men love! I expect to see lots of barbecue chicken and starchy, buttery rolls with very few vegetables. :) I think I will be putting Robert's name on my dish. I.E. "Robert's Favorite Pot Pie" just as a cheesy little way to honor him. If any of you would like to join me in that, I think it would be a lark!
- I haven't yet received anything from y'all for this month's newsletter. Just a reminder - please always let me know when you have something you would like to get out to the ladie's, and I will do my best to add it.
- We had a great time at the ladies retreat, didn't we?! You know, I think for me, more than almost anything, it's a great time to be reminded that we are SISTERS, and not just "church friends". I'll tell you what - when you walk out of your room for the first time in the morning to see Candy Lander with hair like Ace Ventura stumbling over her slippers, desperately searching for the coffee (and me right alongside in the same fashion) - it's easy to feel like sisters! God was also so good to answer our prayers for Cheri's mom...
- I'll be hosting a "Free Yard Sale Carnival" next weekend (Saturday, June 8th). This is kind of odd, but I'm really excited about it, and I hope many of you can join and participate. Here's my thought process on this:
I don't know about you guys, but I have so many things that are still good, useful things in good shape that I know people can use. I don't really like to always give them to the thrift stores, because even their prices are starting to go up, I'd really just rather know these things are going to somebody that could use and enjoy them without the hassle of shopping and the cost of paying.
Of course, I could give these things away to friends and family - the problem is, I don't know just who could use them. Sometimes I think somebody could use something, and really I'm just burdening them with MORE STUFF (that they eventually have to give away in turn...) I also have ENOUGH STUFF that it may take some time to delegate it all out to friends and family. I'd rather just get rid of it all at once. Like a yard sale. But GIVING it away instead of charging for it, you know?
With that thought comes another dilemma. If you have just a "free yard sale" - how do you make sure everybody gets their fair share? What if two people want that clock and I have the responsibility of choosing who is worthy of said clock? (Cut the clock in half!) How can you keep from one or two people showing up first thing in the morning and taking all the good stuff? No - that seems like some trouble, so here is my solution:
"Free Yard Sale Carnival"
Here are the rules:
*Each person who arrives will receive three free throws at a dart board (...it might possibly be buckets or ring toss or something of this nature, you get the idea...). The points will be divided: 1,2,3 (1 being the easiest throw, 3 being the hardest). Depending on your throw, you will get 1, 2, or 3 tokens delegated to you. Each item will be priced at only 1, 2, and 3 tokens (depending on quality, etc. 1 for smaller, less costly items - 3 for the nicer things). Obviously, once you win your tokens at the ring toss/ dartboard/ bucket toss (haven't yet decided). You will then take your tokens and go use it as money to purchase a free, used (but still good quality) item.
* Here's the part where I am hoping it will get super fun: Anyone who wants to contribute - one item to the yard sale will get one extra throw per item they contribute!! This way we will ALL have more stuff to choose from than just mine, and I'm hoping if enough people contribute, it will make it funner and more beneficial for everybody! (So please, if you want to contribute - start pulling your stuff out this week so it's ready for Saturday.)
* You will choose what you want to price your item at. Honor system here. If you're bringing a ziploc bag full of Happy Meal toys, you probably want to price that at one token. If you're feeling generous and bring your iphone 5, that will be priced at three. We're not going higher than three, though. (Also, if you bring something particularly large, please be prepared to take it back or over to the Salvation Army in the case it doesn't "sell". I probably won't very conveniently be able to do it myself with the car we have.)
* I would like to keep it to friends, family, neighbors, - invite only type of thing, etc. I'm not going to invite the public by putting an ad in the newspaper, because I think it would get CRaZY. But, by all means - invite your friends and neighbors, as many as you like! Especially if you think there's somebody out there that this could just use the blessing and encouragement of some free stuff and hopefully a little fun!
I hope you guys can come. I'm going to try to pull together some drinks to make it more like a fun get together than a yard sale in the heat, but I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to just yet.
The time will be 9:30-1:00, Saturday, June 8th here at our place - 520 E. Spring St. Of course, e-mail me if you need directions.
If you guys CAN pop me a quick email to let me know if you'll make it...please do - I'm just not yet sure if we'll be having the yard sale in the front or back, and if more people are coming, then I know we should have it in the back where there's more room. Just if it's convenient, though - it's not an RSVP or anything.
I really do hope to see you guys there! I'm also curious what you think...
And I really hope I'll see you all tomorrow!
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